
This website reports a collection of Pluto notebooks written in Julia language that are associated with the data paper entilted “A Comprehensive Database of Leaf Temperature, Water, and CO2 Fluxes in Young Oil Palm Plants Across Diverse Climate Scenarios for the Evaluation of Functional-Structural Models” by R. Perez et al. submitted to the journal ””.

The design of this website is based on Computational Thinking, a live online Julia/Pluto textbook. (computationalthinking.mit.edu) and this pluto_course_template project


Perez R., Torrelli V., Roques S., Devidal S., Piel C., Landais D., Ramel M., Arsouze T., Lamour J., Caliman J.-P., Vezy R. . A Comprehensive Database of Leaf Temperature, Water, and CO2 Fluxes in Young Oil Palm Plants Across Diverse Climate Scenarios for the Evaluation of Functional-Structural Models. Submitted to xxx . https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12704284